Welcome to your GrowZone!!!

Empowering and supporting you making the change you desire happen.

Do you want to develop personally and professionally? Are you a new leader looking to develop your leadership skills or an experienced leader looking to enhance your leadership style and develop your team? Work with me and let me coach you till you own it.

JMcD CoachingPlus offer a free consultation so contact us here or email to book your appointment.

GrowZone Coaching sessions

JMcD’s GrowZone coaching sessions combine personal and professional development. Coaching sessions are designed to empower, enable and arm you with the knowledge and tailored skills you need to succeed.



“I gained a lot from each session and have no doubt it will benefit me for years to come, both in my career and outside work”

Regional operations manager

“Working with you was so successful for me in my career, I applied for the role and was successfully selected for the position. I continue to apply what I have learnt on my sessions in my new role and I enjoy the positive feedback from employees, customers and management”

Front line manager.

We will make your course a satisfactory and safe experience during and after COVID-19